
Wednesday, 27 October 2010

WOYWW - on a Wednesday!!!!!

Hello there,

On my work desk this week is all the stuff left there last week after the crafty stall Doone and I did last Wednesday. I haven't done any crafting since then as I have squeezed in a visit to my neice and her beautiful baby boy, had a good attempt at clearing the Papermill Shop of card (as its closing down), went shopping with my sister, and had the in-laws down for lunch on Sunday for what seemed like half a cow but I'm assured was just a very large roasting joint! I had promised myself  I'd give my desk a little tidy before showing it you but no - here it is, warts and all.

Shocking!! Tell me what you see as I have probably lost it and been looking for it!!!

After a shaky start last week at this I'm hoping to pop by and visit more of you this week. And if by chance you've popped by and have no idea what I'm talking about hop on over to the WOYWW leaders blog via the button on the side bar and join in the fun!

Well, best tidy my desk up - I feel the need to craft!

Thanks for stopping by
Lizzie x

P.S for all those who wondered about last weeks WOYWW card background - it was a baby wipe I'd used to clean up after spraying card with glimmer mists (and me and most of the desk!) The mica fell off when it dried but left a gorgeous inky background I just couldn't throw away.

P.P.S and for all that asked about the craft stall - thanks, it was successful with a commission or two in the bag for each of us! And I've also been asked to do another stall on November 12th - cripes, better get on with it then. :-o

Thursday, 21 October 2010

WOYWW - my first one - YAY (on aThursday - oops!)

Helloooooo to all fellow WOYWWers. Sorry I'm late - I was very busy yesterday running a craft stall with my best friend Donna (known to most as Doone - she of the doings of) and the day just disappeared. We had a lot of fun but it was soooo tiring - possibly because I pulled an all nighter to tittivate a few of my wares. So here I am a day late.

Attached is a pic of one of the cards I made for the stall -not exactly on my work desk, mainly because: a) you can't see the desk and: b) my craft room looks like its been ransacked - which is what you get when you have two frantic, manic crafters preparing for a craft fair stall. Some of that manic crafting can be seen on Doone's WOYWW (link here).

Can you guess what the backgound sheet is?

I shall visit you all as soon as I can.

 Lizzie x

Friday, 8 October 2010

Weird or what!

I was only yesterday giving my sympathy to Carmen (she of Whoopiedo.....ings) re her computer slowly dieing on her.  Today, decided to do some basic PC maintenance (and yes it was basic as I am techno challenged) and lo! I get my PC throwing a fit - frozen screen that's shaking and going all psychedelic on me. Set about wailing and wringing my hands in anguish at the thought of my un-backed up holiday photos disappearing into the ether when along came love of my life (hubby!) who worked his techno magic and now normality has resumed and all my photos and PC stuff are backed up on a new shiny drive thingy that I plug into the side of my PC. Was told it could be a graphics card issue. Hmmm, wonder what I'm getting for Chrimbo!!

Lizzie x

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Just a bit too late for WOYWW :-(

Oh dear - I had hoped to join in the fun that is WOYWW but I was just too late. I have a good reason though - I was at the O2 on Wednesday watching Supertramp. But - I hear you cry - you could have written the post Tuesday and then posted on Wednesday during your lunch hour. And I would reply - yes, but that would mean I would have to be organised and besides I was covered in paint on Tuesday! Said paint was being applied to various bits of card and a note book, as well as myself and the surrounding desk top unintentionally. (Why is it I have a messy mat to protect the desk top, yet when I do messy stuff it invariably ends up on the one bit of unprotected surface?)

So, now its Thursday and I can't do WOYWW but I can show you the notebook that is now lovely and DRY! Good old acrylic paints, couple of spritzs with the glimmer mists and a nice bit of metal done on a Ten Seconds Studio mould in the centre aperture. Neat. All it needs now is a pencil attaching.....

......Donna - don't forget your dremel next week - I have some pencils that I want to put holes in.

Supertramp were brill - one night only in UK. Not one of my faves but one of hubbies and after all he did go to see Joe Bonamassa with me in Birmingham.

See you soon,
Lizzie x

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Hello and welcome to my blog.

Hi, my name is Lizzie, well, most of the time it is but I'll save the story of my multiple names for a later date. (No, I'm not a spy - though that would be cool.....I'm digressing). Thought it might be fun to have a blog to talk mainly about crafts but really anything thats going on in my world that may be of interest. Its not a big world really and mostly revolves around work (a necessary evil that will not be discussed), my dog (love of my life), my husband (love of my life too - honest), my family - including my best friend Donna (she of Doings of Doone fame) and crafting.

Crafting has always been central to my life, I was forever drawing, painting, making stuff as a child and continue to do so now. In fact the title of my blog comes from the phrase I used to say as a child that my Mum said could apparently strike fear into the heart of any parent  (not being a parent I couldn't comment however my Mum said it did for her). That phrase was -" I'M BORED - I want to DO somethng!"! Mainly said on wet Sunday afternoons when there wasn't anything on telly and no one could face another game of SNAP, Cluedo, Monopoly, Escape from Colditz (does any one remember that board game?) or whatever game was the current family favourite. If nothing was produced or suggested for me to do I would find my own entertainment in tormenting my middle and younger brothers. In order to ensure peace something would miraculously appear from the cupboard - a new set of plasticine, crayons and a colouring book, or when I was older, wool to knit with. Mum always had something put by for me if it looked like the weather was going to be bad.

These days crafting for me mostly revolves around paper and glue and wondering how the dog got to look so sparkley when I haven't used glitter for ages, although I have recently got the knitting needles out to knit a shawl for my neice's first baby, a beautiful baby boy who was a whopping 91b 9oz's!! Here is the card I made to welcome him into the world.

Well, I could ramble on for hours but think I'll leave it here for today - don't want to put you off so early on in the life of this blog ;-)
Thanks for stopping by,
Lizzie x