On my work desk this week is all the stuff left there last week after the crafty stall Doone and I did last Wednesday. I haven't done any crafting since then as I have squeezed in a visit to my neice and her beautiful baby boy, had a good attempt at clearing the Papermill Shop of card (as its closing down), went shopping with my sister, and had the in-laws down for lunch on Sunday for what seemed like half a cow but I'm assured was just a very large roasting joint! I had promised myself I'd give my desk a little tidy before showing it you but no - here it is, warts and all.
Shocking!! Tell me what you see as I have probably lost it and been looking for it!!!
After a shaky start last week at this I'm hoping to pop by and visit more of you this week. And if by chance you've popped by and have no idea what I'm talking about hop on over to the WOYWW leaders blog via the button on the side bar and join in the fun!
Well, best tidy my desk up - I feel the need to craft!
Thanks for stopping by
Lizzie x
P.S for all those who wondered about last weeks WOYWW card background - it was a baby wipe I'd used to clean up after spraying card with glimmer mists (and me and most of the desk!) The mica fell off when it dried but left a gorgeous inky background I just couldn't throw away.
P.P.S and for all that asked about the craft stall - thanks, it was successful with a commission or two in the bag for each of us! And I've also been asked to do another stall on November 12th - cripes, better get on with it then. :-o